Western Michigan University
Student Union
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Hobbs+Black Architects is proud to have developed The Western Michigan University Student Union. This monumental project has reshaped the WMU campus, aligning seamlessly with the university's and Student Affairs' strategic goals to ensure continuity through all project phases and successful implementation of all components.
The building, constructed using Type IIA methods, houses the third Bubble Deck installation in the United States, showcasing our commitment to innovative and sustainable design. Achieving LEED Silver standards, the Student Union is a testament to our dedication to environmental responsibility.
State-of-the-art residential dining center featuring eight micro-restaurants with innovative views of food preparation, cuisines ranging from traditional to on-trend and international selections, multiple seating options and outdoor views of campus, and a grab'n-go location
Student Organization Resources Center
Seven unique lounges
Two study rooms
Restaurants – Starbucks, Mi Pi, Fuego Verde, Re-Fresh Market, and a pub
Campus bookstore
Game room
Commuter Resource Center
Variety of meeting rooms
Mosaic Affinity Suite
PNC branch bank and FedEx print/pack/ship store
Admissions Welcome Center
Student Media Group
Parent's room